True confession: for the last year or so, I’ve been hearing murmurs about this great resource, “She Reads Truth“. There are hash tags and an app and probably coffee mugs, too. The confession part? My anti-fad nonconformist self has rebelliously avoided checking this resource out just because it was the new buzz.
Also true confession: my anti-fad nonconformist self is now rejoicing that I “gave in” a few days ago!
My kids and I participate in a local Community Bible Study, which keeps me solidly in the Word through the fall and spring (I cannot talk enough about what a blessing this has been for me and my kids, but that’s the topic for another post). When CBS went on break for the holidays (Seriously? Why? A whole month?) , I found myself meandering aimlessly in my quiet times, or worse yet, not having them at all.
One day last week, I begrudgingly went to the She Reads Truth website and started the Advent reading plan (Yes, I’m a bit late to the party, but I’ll see it through even after Christmas is done). It took me exactly one day of reading to jump on the bandwagon, and now I’m hooked (there will be no coffee mugs or T-shirts for me, though. Even if they do exist. That is just a little too trendy for me).
What do I love about She Reads Truth?
1) I don’t have to figure out what to read – it’s mapped out for me. That is half the battle to getting in the Word! The enemy loves to steal our quiet times and Word diligence with that “I don’t know what to read” struggle.
2) The assigned readings are both Old Testament and New Testament readings, and are intentionally lined up to show the threads throughout both. In just a few readings I’ve already been in Exodus, Leviticus, Ezekiel, Judges, Hebrews, Corinthians, Matthew, and more. It’s beautiful to see the threads of Scripture woven together.
3) The readings are rich. Can I make another confession? I get tired of devotionals that are comprised of the author’s thoughts for hundreds of words and then piddly 2-verse Scripture readings. All too often those verses are used out of context to support the author’s thoughts rather than informing the author’s thoughts. Even if they don’t fall into this trap, reading an isolated verse does not give the context and depth needed to truly understand it. I’m not saying these types of devotionals are sinful and wrong, but personally I long for more. Today I read an entire chapter of Judges, followed by a couple short passages from Ezekiel and 2 Corinthians. That made for a much richer grasp of God’s Word than had I only read 1 or 2 verses from each.
4) The articles that accompany the readings are:
a) Meant to accompany the readings, not replace them – the goal is to get you in GOD’S Word!
b) So far at least, rich and theologically grounded. I don’t know the origins of this resources or the theological leanings of the authors, and I haven’t read enough of them to say I stand behind it 99%. BUT I can say that in a world in which there are a myriad of highly popular Christian writers appealing strongly to women whose teachings are not theologically grounded and are not rooted in a right understanding of God’s Word, what I have read so far has been refreshingly deep and grounded. To be honest, I stay away from a lot of the popular women’s Christian resources out there precisely for this reason – they push a shallow, self-centered, culture-informed view of God’s Word. So far, this seems to be the exact opposite.
So, there you go. If you’re like me and have been meandering around your Bible wondering what to read, or have lacked discipline and heart preparation this Advent season, it’s not too late to start! You won’t be the only one finishing the Advent reading plan well after Advent is done 😉